Justin Zaslavsky
Allergies: Major Tree Nuts, Sesame, Chickpeas
Class: 2019
Major: Community Health
Post Graduation Plans: Fingers crossed, I would like to go to medical school and pursue Emergency Medicine.
Justin’s Tips:
✔️️ The most important thing is communication and self-advocacy. Your roommate may have not had exposure to food allergies before. Therefore, talk about your food allergies with him or her and set clear guidelines about what is and what is not okay to keep in the room.
✔️️ Reach out to the dining services at your school.
✔️️ Carry an epinephrine auto-injector, and you should be aware of your body and know when you need help. Always.
Check out Justin’s article featured in Allergic Living about the importance of talking about food allergies.
Did you receive help from the staff at Tufts?
When I got to Tufts and told Health Services about my food allergies, a nutritionist from Tufts reached out and asked to meet with me. I was lucky that she reached out to me, but if you attend a school where you are not reached out to, reach out to them.
Top Picks Around Campus
American Flatbread:
I remember asking about food allergies, and someone responded with a statement along the lines of food allergies being “an ethos” of the company. They offer gluten-free crust, as well as a nut- and shellfish-free kitchen. The only nut concern is that the desserts are made out of house.
📍 45 Day St, Somerville, MA 02144 | 📄 Flatbread Company’s Menu
Diesel Cafe:
This coffee shop is great with food allergies. If you inform them of your allergy while ordering, they run the tools used through the dishwasher or use new ones, and they will prepare your food at an allergen-free station that is thoroughly cleaned to avoid cross contamination.
📍 257 Elm St, Somerville, MA 02144 | 📄 Diesel Cafe’s Menu
Oath Pizza:
Aside from the pizza being fantastic, this restaurant is great when it comes to food allergies. Between making these 90-second personal pizzas, the staff always changes their gloves. Additionally, if you inform them of your allergy when you order, they will pull ingredients from separate containers to ensure that there is no cross contamination.
📍 280 Elm St, Somerville, MA 02144 | 📄 Oath’s Menu
Located: Medford, MA
Website: www.tufts.edu
Disability Services:
🔗 students.tufts.edu/student-accessibility-services
📞 (617) 627-4539
✉️️ [email protected]