Campus Guide: Stanford University

“Every dining hall on Stanford’s campus is diligent about making sure all allergen information is available for every meal and about answering questions when it is ambiguous. If you walk down University Ave. there are about a hundred different places to eat and all of them have allergy friendly menus. Most of the coffee shops on campus stay away from allergens all together, except dairy/gluten.” See Howard’s top allergy-friendly picks around the Stanford University campus!


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Howard Small

Allergies: Peanuts and Milk
Dining Hall: I think all the dining halls do a great job of being allergy friendly, especially for major allergens.
Class: 2017
Major: Computer Science
Post Graduation Plans: I have aspirations of being a Software Engineer working with artificial intelligence/machine learning technology.

Howard’s Tips:

✔️️ Make sure you get an EpiPen if you need one.

✔️️ Tell all your friends about your allergies, because they can be a first line of defense to make sure you don’t eat anything dangerous.

✔️️ If you have a peanut allergy, stay away from Thai food because they often cook everything with peanuts, but the additional seasoning makes it hard to smell it out.

Top Picks Around Campus

Sliderbar Cafe:

My personal favorite restaurant on University Ave. It doesn’t seem like they would, but they have a diverse menu that can feed anybody!

📍 324 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 | 📄 Sliderbar Cafe’s Menu

LYFE Kitchen:

Super healthy food, great customer service, and everything special on the menu is labeled with a Gluten-Free, Vegan, or Contains-Nuts icon!

📍 167 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 | 📄 LYFE Kitchen’s Menu

CREAM Palo Alto:

Delicious ice cream for everyone and anyone! They have nut, dairy, and even gluten-free options!

📍 440 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 | 📄 CREAM Palo Alto’s Menu


Location: Stanford, CA
Disability Services:
📞 (650) 723-0755
✉️️ [email protected]

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