Mary Weiser

mary weiser and family

Mary Weiser is a more than a food allergy mom — she is an advocate committed to changing the future of food allergies. After her two children were diagnosed with multiple allergies, she founded the Mary H. Weiser Food Allergy Center at the University of Michigan. This center of excellence will provide cutting-edge research for the food allergic community and will be a model for other centers around the country. Mary lives with her husband and two food allergic children in Ann Arbor.


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1. Silver lining of having children with food allergies?

We have to read every label and because of this, our family is more aware of what we are eating and are probably more healthy because of it. Both of my children are also very compassionate for other children and adults with disabilities.  

2. Your go-to favorites for food allergies?

My friends, family and strangers. My children are dependent on others to help keep them safe, and we couldn’t do it without them!

Chipotle. We have been to many Chipotles in many states, and the staff has always been very well-trained in handing food allergies. They also don’t have any peanuts or tree nuts on their menu.

Any hotel with a kitchen!

3. Mothering style in three words

Not helicopter (did it in 2 words!)

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