1. Dr. Jack Becker
“My allergist for over 15 years! Has helped me grow out of my dairy allergy and we are currently in the process of trying to grow out of my egg one. Always holds me accountable for getting bloodwork/eating a little of my allergen every night to grow out of it, but also always makes me laugh!”
@delaneybrody who manages peanut, tree nut, and egg allergies

2. Dr. Jonathan M. Spergel
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
“Really nice and helpful; I would highly recommend him.”
@blg1026 who manages peanut, tree nut, and egg allergies

3. Dr. Nathaniel Hare
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
“We traveled an hour and a half to see this doctor. They are very nice and up on current treatments and very thorough with explanations and Epi training.”
@clemens3 who manages tree nut allergies